Frequently asked Questions

There are many misconceptions about physiotherapy clinics and what they can and can not do. To eliminate confusion; we have provided you with some frequently asked questions and answers about our specific clinic and industry. If your question is still not answered visit our contact us page to get in touch.

1How soon can I get an appointment?
At Rejoice Therapy, we understand the importance of timely care. We strive to accommodate your schedule, and in most cases, we can offer appointments within a few days. Contact our friendly team, and we'll work together to find a convenient time for your visit.
2Where is your clinic located?
Our clinic is conveniently located at "Rejoice Physiocare 25 Kingsbridge Garden circle, unit 1 & 2 Mississauga, Ontario L5R 4B1". You'll find us in a welcoming and accessible space designed for your comfort and convenience. Feel free to check our website for a map and detailed directions.
3Do I need a Doctor’s Note?
No, you don't need a doctor's note to book an appointment at Rejoice Therapy. While we collaborate with healthcare providers, you can directly schedule a consultation with our experienced therapists to discuss your concerns and explore personalized treatment options.
4How should I dress?
Please wear comfortable clothing that allows our therapists easy access to the areas requiring assessment or treatment. We want you to feel at ease during your session, so dress in a way that ensures both comfort and practicality.
5How long do initial assessments take?
The duration of initial assessments varies depending on the nature of your visit. Typically, it takes around 45 to 60 minutes. This time allows our therapists to thoroughly assess your condition, discuss your medical history, and collaborate with you to create a tailored treatment plan.
6What are your treatment rooms like?
Our treatment rooms are designed to create a tranquil and healing environment. They are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to ensure you receive the highest quality care in a comfortable setting. We prioritize your well-being and strive to make your experience with us as pleasant as possible.
7Do you have parking available?
Yes, we provide convenient parking facilities for our clients. Our goal is to make your visit stress-free, and easy parking is part of ensuring your overall positive experience at Rejoice Therapy.
8Am I covered by OHIP?
While OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) doesn't cover our services directly, many private insurance plans do. We encourage you to check with your insurance provider to understand the extent of your coverage. Our team is happy to assist you with any questions you may have regarding insurance.
9How can I provide feedback?
Your feedback is valuable to us! You can provide feedback to our Clinic Manager at We appreciate your input as it helps us continually enhance our services and ensure your satisfaction with Rejoice Physio Care. Help us spread some awareness by doing a Google Review.

Why choose us

Our team of experienced and compassionate therapists includes physiotherapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, and specialists in innovative therapies such as shockwave and LASER therapy. Each member is dedicated to delivering the highest standards of care, ensuring you receive the most effective and tailored treatments for your unique needs.

At Rejoice Therapy, we understand the importance of timely care. We strive to accommodate your schedule, and in most cases, we can offer appointments within a few days. Contact our friendly team, and we'll work together to find a convenient time for your visit.


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